Keep on dreaming
I had dreamt a lot and still dreaming more than a lot and will remain dreaming a lot as long as I'm alive.
I am Maizatul Shahirah. will becoming 18 y/o soon.
Dear self, you're who you choose to be. Nobody is going to come and save you. You've got to save yourself. Nobody is going to give you anything. You've got to go out and fight for it. Nobody knows what you want, except you, and nobody will be as sorry as if you don't get it. So don't give up on your dreams!
Heeeeeellooooo! Assalamualaikum ;) 
Lama tak update blog! i hope thre's smeone who's missing me *cough* hehehehehehe well pejam celik pejam celik i'm already eighteen! wahaaaa no more baju sekolah no more kasut sekolah no more tudung sekolah. no more no more. but the reality is that when you're not going to school means you are going to dead slowly and become a zombie. indeed! hahaha unless you hve smthg tht got bnefits to do. hehehe dulu aku pun macam tu jugak. but its seems tht it hve come to the end. hehe i've been pretty busy lately with a new daily routine. you know wht, i'm a guru tadika right now! wkwkwkwkwkwk its almost been for a month now but its just for a moment, hanya untuk mengisi masa lapang while waiting for the result. lagipun kerja only waktu petang. so naturally, i'm not fully being a teacher hehe not at all. anyway, i did enjoy my work! Alhamdulillah. okay haritu dah beli numb pin for upu. and i'm totally on the horns of dilemma right now. the most thing i'm concerned about at the moment is this! this! wht course, whch university nak further. layak ke nanti, boleh ke nak go on dgn apa yang kita pilih nti. tak senang tau budak lepasan spm ni. kena fikir masa depan masa depan masa depan. ke mana kan ku pergi~ hakhakhak so i suppose duduk diam dulu. nanti dah keluar result and kena tanya anyone yang berpengalaman so baru boleh decide nk isi apa. anyhow, rezeki semua terletak di tangan Allah. inshaAllah everythgs hppen for a good reason. Ameen. btw, yesterday i've got a letter from one malaysia brilliance for an interview apa tah. and bila bukak fb tgk semua org tgh ckp pasal ni hahaha so i need an explanation abt ths. eleh poyo je. bukan pegi pun. well i've got an important wedding to attend ths saturday! wohooo along is getting married! my kakak sedara is on her way to become raja sehari! meissoooooexciteeeeeeed ;D so esok dah nak gerak balik kampung and tolong tolong. hehe still hve a lot thngs tht need to be done! Okay till here then, bye for now! toodles~
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